Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Making Art

   Today I read an article about the different views of art and the opinions of why we make art. Gina Gibney did say in this article that creating art brings things back together. Judy Dater likes to express her emotions through photography and making others feel what she feels. (Why We Make Art)

   In my opinion, art is anything that has any shape, form, movement, or emotion to it. Art can be expressed in many different ways. We make art because we need to let out some feelings within show release and ourselves our inner creativity. Some people make art through dancing, others through visual art, and some through pictures and photographs. There are many varieties of art and they way how the person carries it out in their own way are art. As Herrel Fletcher said, “Anything that anyone calls art is art.” It is how the person perceives their work and their own understanding of what they feel about the artwork.

   So why do we make art you ask? We make art because it gives us a fulfillment of happiness within ourselves. We can feel enjoyment by making art and sometimes-even peace. If an individual can’t make art, then they can relate to it instead. How many people listen to music? We can say almost everyone does, and why? Because we enjoy it and can relate to some lyrics that one person has thrown to society. Music can let others know that they are not the only one with their situation.

   On a personal note, I have many friends who are into the art field, visual art and music to be a little more specific. I always ask them why they love to draw or make music and each and every one of them tells me, “Because it’s me.” People can be so deep into it that it’s their own little escape from this cold world we live in. Art is beautiful, and learning more about the history behind it is really going touch my inner self.

Work Cited
Smith, Jeremy A., and Jason Marsh. "Greater Good." Why We Make Art. The Greater Good Science Center, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.


  1. I love your post. I was intentionally attracted to your blog because I'd consider myself an artist as well. I like how you when in to detail on what makes are and why we create it. I like how you emphasized the correlation between our feelings and art. I agree you 100% in the fact that art helps us escape. Art is such an amazing thing because it's such a broad genre, and when it comes to art, there is a little something for everyone. Art can convey so many emotions and messages without saying one word. And the feeling you experience when viewing a beautiful piece of work is indescribable. I can't wait to see your future post.

  2. I like this discussion of art. I wondered at the beginning, though, who those women were who you were quoting. Think about credentializing your sources. Why should we take Gina Gibney's word for it when she discusses art? Why should we believe Judy Dater? For those of us who aren't artists, we won't know these names. So you can introduce them with something like this: "Artist and critic Ginia Gibney..."

    See the difference?
