Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Art of Art

     Art is a way of life. Art can be expressed in so many different ways. There's visual art such as drawing, painting, sketches, and so forth; dancing; singing; poetry; music; etc. Art can help stimulate a person's mind and have one at ease. It has been around for thousands of years and started off with carvings and drawings on a cave wall.
     I fall under the visual art category, simply because I love to draw. I want to learn more about the singing and dancing sections of art. Learning how to play the piano is a goal for me and learning to keys and more about the piano would be epic.
     Although I'm a pretty good at drawing, I wouldn't consider myself an artist. My reason for this is because i hardly draw anything free handed, I have to have an object or something in front of me. I'm only good at working with pencils and chalk; painting, charcoal, and wet colors are somethings i need to work on. I believe making a blog about art could help me achieve those things by expanding my mind on art and help me to be a little more creative. My weakest point is trying to get an awesome idea from my head onto paper. I really want to challenge myself.


  1. I completely agree with your words "Art is a way of life". I used to draw a lot during middle school years. When I would draw, Hours would go by without me noticing. I also consider myself under the visual art. Although I used to draw with regular pencil only, I've always wanted to learn to use colors in my drawings. I relate to this blog because I can’t draw without having anything in front to look at. Despite this I think we both share the same passion and that is to express our emotions in paper and through a pencil.

  2. This blog could certainly be a place for you to transfer your ideas in an artistic way from your mind to a page; then you can use this blog as a midway point between your thoughts and academic texts that you'll also write this semester. Just remember that thoughts are not linear; we can think of multiple things at one time and we tend to jump in and jump out at random. Academic writing is more structured, though, and so finding an "in-between" space for that work is what might benefit your traditional writing later in the semester!
